Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Harmony Meeting House (William Owen. clerk)

via Kim Wilson

Pendleton Messenger, 14 July 1837, Independence Day celebration at Goodwill, "a new store... between 23 and 26 mile creeks." William Owen, "May South Carolina prove herself the key-stone of the federal union by a strict adherence to the principles of democracy."

Pendleton Messenger, 20 July 1838, Independence Day celebration at Goodwill. William Owen, "Our State Legislature: In the plenitude of their liberality, may the poor be remembered."Pendleton Messenger, 20 July 1838, "Notice.--The Universalist Society at Harmony Meeting House, Anderson District, designs to commemorate the death of Christ by the communion of the supper, on the 5th Sunday of the 29th inst. Brethren from a distance are invited to attend. An invitation is also extended to Christians of all other sects to unite with us, and join in celebrating the divine love of our divine master. There is some expectation that the Rev. Mr. Andrews from Georgia, will preach on that occasion. By the order of the Society, Wm. Owen, Clerk. July 3d, 1838."

Allen Fuller part 5

from THE GOSPEL ANCHOR Troy, NY; volume 2 # 15 Saturday October 6, 1832 pp 120


In Newbury District, SC on the 6th ult, by the Rev. Elijah Lynch, Rev. Allen Fuller, formerly of Middleborough, Mass to Mrs. Tabitha Worthington, all of Newbury.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Yes, Virginia - no U or UU content.....Merry Chirstmas!

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus Editorial Page, New York Sun, 1897
We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O'Hanlon Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a sceptical age. They do not believe except what they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus?Thank God he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Universalist Companion 1850 - SC

1846 lists 3 preachers in SC, with John (J. A. ) Chapman retturning his letter of fellowhipA. Fuller (Salubrity), J. Mullikin, (Slabtown), D.B.Clayton (Dunlapville)Fuller is the standing clerk of the State Convention; 4 societies, 8 meeting houses (also listed as 9!) - . Abbeville, Charleston, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry (2), Anderson, Laurens (2-union) . Portlow's in Abbeville is the new meeting house.

1850 SC "Convention meets according to previous adjournment - usually in August.
Rev. A. Fuller, Salubrity, standing clerk.
societies: no reports
meeting houses: 9
Preachers: A. Fuller, Salubrity,
S. M. Simons, Steedmans, formerly partialist minister.
N. P. Walkers, Mountain Shoals

summary: 1 convention, 4 societies, 9 meeting-houses, and 3 preachers.

2005 summary. in 4 years, number of preachers the same: D. B. Clayton is preaching in Red Banks, Mississippi. Fuller is close to moving west.

Not A Perfect People - standard disclaimer

Not A Perfect People - standard disclaimer

At some point, this was going to come up....

there is an old story about Jesus talking to some folks, and a couple guys come up to him, point out a woman, and say "Jesus, that woman broke the law and needs to be put to death. Here's a couple of stones here, since you're righteous, you get first dibs". Jesus, turned to them and said"let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." At this point, a couple of Unitarian-Universalists said "that would be us", and picked up all the stones.

Nasty joke, right? How better to get some attention? Im always surprised when UUs (and yes, other folks too, but I get mostly UUs reading this, so why mention anybody else?) believe that since we have never done wrong, therefore we are shocked shocked shocked to discover others in the past have done wrong. In this case, I am going to talk briefly about slavery.

First of all, it's perfectly clear to me and you and most intellegent people, that slavery is wrong.
However we didnt grow up in a society where most people thought slavery was fine - indeed many if not most people didnt even give slavery much thought untill the 1700s, which is when the anti-slavery thoughts begain to be discussed (especially in the United Kingdom.) There was political and religious thought starting at that time - that begain to make it clearier that slavery was wrong, and this was gathering speed up to around 1800.
A couple of things happened then, one: the cotton gin made cotton easier to produce, making large farms (plantations) possible away from the low country lands. One could possibly get wealthy planting cotton... however the only way to do that was acess to labor. That same time (1800), slave laws begain to get more restrictive -- Virginia passes a law that basicaly makes it illegeal to free slaves.
A couple of religious bodies in the south, begain to realize that they could no longer live in slave states - and communties pack up and leave South Carolina in 1804-1806 settling in Ohio. Among these are Quakers and German Baptists. Good for them. Those remaining behind become Universalists. ((actually some of the Qs and GBs in Ohio became Universalists too)).
If the old belief that Universalists were poor dirt farmers was true, then we dont have to worry about slaves, because slavery was too expensive for the poor. However the South Carolina Universalists were rather typical middle and upper middle class folks struggling to be upper class - like their neighbors. Southern Unitarians were typical Upper Middle and Upper Class southerns.
So, translated and simplified: southern Universalists and southern Unitarians had plenty in common with their southern neighbors - the saints all moved to Ohio . In the pre-war era, some had and most lived easily with the idea of slavery. Some southern Universalists in the 1890s-1960s opposed intergration - same as their neighbors did (the same as many northerns did).

To hide this and pretend it didnt exist, is to ignore history.
To make all these people to be full monsters, is to throw that first stone.
They are not a perfect people - and in our struggle to be better and to learn, we can still learn from those who arent perfect.

I grew up in the days of segregation, I saw "seperate but equal" restrooms, schools, water fountains. waiting rooms. As an adult now, I still hear stories of when you were allowed to go to town, and when you couldnt go, what stores you could never go in, where you could have a buisness and where you could not. As an adult now, I still hear the N word, I still hear and see racism ..... However, I hear less - I see different things that would have been unimaginable 15 years ago, much less 40 --- there remains hope.
-- who would have thought back in 1968, that I would have a job where Martin Luther King ("that tool of Moscow" as i heard him called) birthday would result in a paid holiday!
this is what people lived in, its not surprising they werent perfect.

so the standard disclaimer is going to be that perfect people didnt exist and never will,
and even though one Universalist minister owned a slave (it was his wife's slave, really!), and too many had wrong views on race, we can still learn from them and their imperfect brethren.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Allen Fuller Part 4

Kim Wilson sent me what was included in part 2-3 (and inspired me to do part 1)
she can be reached at kimwilsonSPAMCHANGER@mail.utexas.education (remove SPAMCHANGER and cation from the edu) . Kim, what project are you working on??

Pendleton Messenger, 20 July 1838,
Independence Day celebration at Goodwill;
Declaration read by Joshua Owen Jr.; oration by Rev. Allen Fuller. Allen Fuller, "South Carolina: May the Patriotism of her citizens nullify the asperity of party feelings, and unite all hearts in the cause of liberty."

Marriage and Death Notices from Pendleton (SC) Messenger, 58:
"Died at his residence in this district [23 Sep. 1838] ...Mr. John Brewer... a member of the first Universalist Society in Anderson District from its organization to the time of his death... funeral address by Rev. Allen Fuller."


Old "Salubrity Spring" On April 6, 1839, Allen Fuller was appointed postmaster of Salubrity Post Office. The post office was located on his farm termed Salubrity, a name which suggests that Allen perhaps considered his location healthful.

Pendleton Messenger, 5 July 1839,
"Universalist Meeting.--Mr. Fuller has been appointed to preach at the Meeting House near Bachelor's Retreat, on the 3d Sunday in the present month.

blogowner's note: this is about near or is the present day Westminister, SC

June 27, 1839."Pendleton Messenger, 9 Aug. 1839,
"A public Discussion is appointed to be held at Anderson C. H. on the 15th inst., between Rev. Sanford Vandiver, Baptist, and Rev. Allen Fuller, Universalist. Mr. Vandiver has engaged to support the affirmative of the two following propositions, and Mr. Fuller the negative of the same, viz: 1. That the Scriptures teach, that the punishment due to sin is endless in its duration. 2. That such punishment is consistent with the justice of God.Gen. Thomas Wright and Gen. J. N. Whitner, two of the Moderators appointed to preside at the Discussion, have signified their acceptance. Should the weather be favourable, doubtless, a considerable number of people will attend."

Pendleton Messenger, 15 Oct. 1841, report of 11 Oct. 1841 Pickens Dist. Temperance Society meeting, Pres. J. L. Kennedy, Acting Sec'y Miles M. Norton. Prayer by Rev. Jos. Grisham, addresses by Grisham and Rev. Allen Fuller. Resolution by Fuller to appoint committee of three "to draft a memorial to the legislature for the repeal of the suttler's Law"; "very excellent remarks from Gen. Whitner"; resolution unanimously adopted. Meeting again tomorrow night "after the business of the Bible Society be dispensed with." Two new members joined.

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 28 Oct. 1841. Report from Pickens Dist. Society at courthouse formed ca. 1838, 120 members. Grain-raising district, many distillers. Temperance mtg. at Court House this past Monday, speakers Rev. Jos. Grisham, Rev. Allen Fuller, Gen. J. N. Whitner. Tues night mtg. following Bible Society mtg., chairman Gen. Whitner. Central Committee to form auxiliary societies in each Battalion of dist.: Rev. Joseph Grisham, Rev. J. L. Kennedy, Col. M. M. Norton, Silas Kirksey Esq., Rev. A. Fuller, and John Adair Esq. Speaker: attorney Peter S. Vandiver of Anderson. Committee to receive subscriptions to _Temperance Advocate_: Capt. James W. Harrison, Col. M. M. Norton, and Capt. Levi N. Robins. "It is a matter of much gratification to be able to state, that we have not a retail shop in the village, and there is but one or two men in the place, who have not pledged themselves in some way or other not to drink spirits."

Pendleton Messenger, 10 Dec.1841, notice for meeting of Pickens Dist. Temp. Society meeting, 12 o'clock, Christmas Day, at Bachelor's Retreat, to form a society at that place. Chairman Joseph Grisham, Committee: Rev. J. L. Kennedy, Rev. Allen Fuller, Col. M. M. Norton, and John Adair Esq. South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 13 Jan. 1842, report from Pickens Dist. Temperance Society. Met at Bachelor's Retreat, Christmas day at noon, Chairman Capt. Leonard Towers, speakers Rev. J. L. Kennedy, A. Fuller, and J. Grisham. Formed a Total Abstinance Society with 15-20 people. Elected President John Verner Esq. (Rev. soldier and magistrate), V. P. Rev. James Holland, Sec'y L. P. Verner. Revs. T. B. Maulden and J. Grisham preached at Bachelor's Retreat on Sunday, informed congregation of formation of new Temp. Soc, about 25 joined.

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 17 Feb. 1842, ltr. from A. F. [Allen Fuller] Salubrity SC. Pledge recently adopted by Bachelor's Retreat Temperance Society: "We, whose names are underwritten, being fully convinced of the great evils resulting from the use of intoxicating liquors, either as a common beverage, or as an expression of friendship, and _having determined_ that we will not use them ourselves, or furnish them for the use of others, except as a necessary medicine, and that we will use every justifiable means to discountenance the manufacture, sale, and use of such liqours, so associate ourselves together as a Temperance Society, for the purpose of making known this determination, and therefore exerting all the influence we possess, and strengthening the hands of others who are engaged in promoting the cause of Temperance."

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 21 April 1842 [from the Pendleton Messenger], temperance meeting at Pickens C. H., 21 March 1842. President Rev. J. L. Kennedy; prayer by Rev. James Holland; address by Gen. Whitner. P. S. Vandiver Esq. called to give speech, "excused himself, as he said he could not, in consequence of being much engaged in the business of the court, make his ideas 'hang together' on the subject." "The invitation then being general and pressing, Joseph Powell, Esq. arose, and congratulated himself on not having become a sacrifice to intemperance, as he had been a vendor of the poisonous stuff, and in a very animated manner continued his remarks for a short time in favour of the reformation which is going on, though not himself a member of a Temperance Society." Speeches by Rev. A. Fuller and former distiller Rev. James Holland. M. M. Norton offered resolutions to be more responsive to Executive Committee in terms of more frequent meetings, reporting to the state society, and establishing auxilliary societies. Met agian Tuesday, prayer by Kennedy, remarks by Gen. Whitner "mostly in answer to an objection which is by some made to the withholding of license by the Commissioners of Roads, showing in the most satisfactory manner that the granting of license was most injurious in every point of view." Remarks by Maj. Creswell, "expressed his intention of becoming a member of the Society, and of devoting a portion of his time, talents and purse, to the promotion of this good cause." Remarks by Rev. Joseph Grisham "mostly in answer to the charge against the Society, that there is 'something behind the curtain,' some desire to take from the people that Liberty which they have so long enjoyed." Committee of five appointed to meet at Ebenezer Campground to form auxilliary: Rev. Joseph Grisham, Rev. W. G. Mullinix, Rev. T. B. Mauldin, Maj. J. H. Creswell, and Rev. Jas. Holland. Twenty-seven more names added during court week.

Pendleton Messenger, 6 May 1842, formation of Pendleton Total Abstinence Society with 31 signatures "among which were those of several ladies." Meeting at Methodist church, 3 May. Chairman Thomas M. Sloan, prayer by Rev. A. W. Ross. Pledge: "We the undersigned so hereby pledge ourselves not to use as a beverage, Wine, Spiritous of Malt Liquors, that we will not offer them to others, and will exert our influence to prevent the use of them." "Gentlemen" chosen as officers: Pres. Mr. Thomas M. Sloan, VP Mr. J. W. Warley, Sec'y Mr. G. T. Anderson. Executive committee appointed by president: Col. D. S. Taylor, Dr. Wm. L. Jenkins, Rev. A. W. Ross, Messrs. A. Fuller, C. P. Dupre, George Boggs, J. A. Shanklin, Wm. Paterson, J. B. Sitton, Elam Sharpe Jr. Others named: J. Hastie, E. B. Benson.

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 23 June 1842, letter from A. Fuller, Pickensville. Meeting 4 June 1842 at Pickensville, chairman James Henderson Esq., prayer by Rev. Mr. Arnold, addresses by Rev. J. L. Kennedy and A. Fuller. Pledge for Total Abstinance from all intoxicating liquors read "and signatures solicited; upon which Rev. T. S. Daniels arose and expressed his determination to attach his name to the pledge, and, in a very appropriate manner, gave his reasons for doing so." A new society was organized of 50 members--34 males and 16 females--"the greater part of the signatures to the Pledge had been obtained previous to the meeting by the active exertions of a few warm friends in that vicinity." Chose officers: Pres. James Henderson Esq., VP Wm. H. Ariail, Sec;y Dr. Robert H. Archer. Rev. T. S. Daniels orator for next mtg. Pendleton Messenger, 24 June 1842, "Proceedings of the Temperance Meeting at Providence Meeting House, Pickens District, S. C." Signed by Chairman T. G. Boggs, Sec'y A. Fuller. Meeting at Providence M. H. near Salubrity, 17 June, to form society at that place. Prayer by Rev. W. G. Mullinix; speakers: Mr. G. W. Boggs, A. Fuller, J. L. Kennedy, W. G. Mullinix, and J. Grisham. "An invitation was then given to any person, who might be opposed to the Temperance cause, to speak in opposition"; no one came forward. Pledge of total abstinence read and approved, 60 signatures including 26 males and 34 females. Committee to draft constitution: A. Fuller, W. Boggs, A. E. McDonnell, and T. G. Boggs. Mr. J. Augustus Shanklin invited to address next meeting on 2nd Saturday in July.

Pendleton Messenger, 1 July 1842, letter to the editor from A. F. [Allen Fuller], Salubrity, 18 June 1842. [Long, interesting letter refuting 17 June extract from Southern Review] "I would persuade all who have espoused this cause, as well as all who advocate it in public to avoid mingling it with any other question, moral, political, or religious. It is a cause good enough to stand alone, without uniting it with any other; and all attempts to amalgamate it with party politics, or religious sectarianism, have proved ruinous to its progress. Hence I would urge every temperance man to act in political matters according to the dictates of his own conscience, without concert, and give his vote for that candidate which he believes is best qualified for the office." Denies that Temp. Associations are arrogant or composed of dangerous mobs.

Pendleton Messenger, 15 July 1842, ltr. from A. Fuller, Salubrity, 9 July 1842. Organizational meeting of Salubrity Temperance Society of Pickens Dist. SC held 9 July, now 67 members. Addresses by Mr. E. M. Keith and Mr. A. E. McDonnell. Elected officers: Pres. Thomas G. Boggs, VP A. E. McDonnell, Sec'y Allen Fuller. Appointed delegates to Greenville convention: A. Fuller, S. J. Chamblin, Aaron Boggs, Jeptha Lay, Wm. Boggs, T. G. Boggs. Question to be discussed at next meeting: "Are Temperance Societies calculated to answer the purpose for which they are intended?" "Those who are opposed to Temperance Societies, who assert they are not calculated to answer the purpose for which they are intended, are respectfully invited to attend that meeting, and show that their views are correct."

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 21 July 1842, ltr. from A. Fuller, Salubrity, 9 July 1842. Meeting of Salubrity Temperance Society of Pickens Dist. SC held 9 July, now 67 members. Addresses by Mr. E. M. Keith and Mr. A. E. McDonnell. Elected officers: Pres. Thomas G. Boggs, VP A. E. McDonnell, Sec'y Allen Fuller. Appointed delegates to Greenville convention: A. Fuller, S. J. Chamblin, Aaron Boggs, Jeptha Lay, Wm. Boggs, T. G. Boggs.

Temperance Convention Delegates Source: The Permanent Temperance Documents Published By The State Temperance Soc.,Vol. I p. 406 Delegates to the State Temperance Convention held at Greenville on August 8, 1842Pickens District Delegates Rev. J. L. Kennedy, M. M. Norton, John O. Grisham, L. N. Robbins, Rev. W. G. Mullinax, E. E. Alexander, L. Thomas, A. S. Briggs, Samuel Mosely, Silas Kirksey, James W. Harrison, Rev. H. T. Arnold, Geo. Dilworth, Harvey Kenneymore, Richard Burdine, James Robinson, Rev. Allen Fuller, S. J. Chambling, Aaron Boggs, Geo. W. Boggs, Wm. Boggs, and T. G. Boggs.

Pendleton Messenger, 3 Feb. 1843,
ad for blacksmithing work, A. Fuller.

Pendleton Messenger, 24 March 1843, notice, Temperance address by Judge O'Neall, Salubrity Temperance Society, Mt. Zion M. H., 1 April, 12 o'clock. A. Fuller, Sec.

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 13 Apr. 1843, ltr. from Pickens Dist. Temp. Soc., 6 April 1843, Pickens C. H. Met "Tuesday morning of Court" to organize a district society, as recommended by Greenville Convention. Chairman Rev. J. L. Kennedy, Committee to draft constitution: Col. M. M. Norton, Maj. Young Davis, Rev. A. Fuller. Committee to nominate officers: Rev. Jos. Grisham, Rev. A. Fuller, Capt. L. N. Robins, Rev. Jas. Holland, N. Boon Esq., Thos. G. Boggs, Rev. H. T. Arnold, Jno. Verner Esq., Capt. Wm. C. Lee, Maj. Young Davis, A. P. Reeder, Thos. W. Harben Esq., Capt. L. Towers, T. J . Zachary, and Simpson Dickson.Elected officers: Pres. Silas Kirksey Esq., Sec'y Col. Miles M. Norton, VPs: Thos W. Harben Esq. of Bachelor's Retreat, John Adair Esq. of West Union, Maj. Jas. W. Harrison of Pickens CH, Maj. Jos. B. Reid of Pumpkintown, Jas. Robenson Esq. of Mount Carmel, S. J. Chamlin of Salubrity, Wm. Ellis of Wolf Creek, Jas. Henderson Esq. of Pickensville. Executive committee: Silas Kirksey Esq., Col. Miles M. Norton, Col. Joseph Burnett, Wm. D. Steele Esq., and Capt. Lemuel Thomas.

Pendleton Messenger, 20 Oct. 1843, report of meeting, Farmer's Society of Pendleton, 2nd Thursday in October. Dinner at Mr. Cherry's long room, "purely agricultural toasts." Rev. A. Fuller: "The agricultural interest; one which is identical in every part of the Union."Pendleton Messenger, 8 March 1844, candidates for Pickens Dist. Ordinary: John Q. Adams, Allen Fuller [Rev. Wm. McGee elected in Anderson Dist. at previous election].

Pendleton Messenger, 10 July 1845, editorial abstracting local 4th of July celebrations. "The seventieth anniversary of American Independence was not publicly celebrated at this place, but in various parts of the district the citizens of the several neighbourhoods assembled and paid the usual demonstrations of respect to the day." Wolf Creek, Pickens Dist., 1500-2000 people, prayer by Rev. Mr. Dean, D. of I read by William Hunter Esq., oration by Col. J. W. Norris Jr., President Col. John O. Hendrix, VP G. T. Anderson Esq. Sharon Meeting House, 7 mi. west of here, temperance meeting, 3-400 men and women, D. of I. by Capt. Thomas H. Russell, temperance address by Rev. J. L. Kennedy, addresses by Rev. A. Fuller and Rev. W. G. Mullinix. Highland School house, 5 mi. from here, 2-300 people, D. of I. by Capt. Robert A. Steele. Bachelor's Retreat, ca. 1000 people, oration by Col. J. L. Orr. Cheohee celbration by Pickens "mountaineers." Anderson C. H. celebration at a nearby spring [Bensons?] "attended by a large number of Ladies and gentlemen."

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 7 Aug. 1845, "Proceedings of the State Agricultural Society of S. Carolina," held 30 July 1845, Newberry Court House. Among those attending: VP J. B. O'Neall, J. T. Whitfield, J. H. McCann, Allen Fuller, J. Creswell.South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 11 Sep. 1845, letter from Allen Fuller, Sec'y, report of Salubrity Temperance Society meeting, 16 Aug., Sharon Meeting House. Address and resolution by A. Fuller: "Resolved, that the practice of treating at elections is one of the great obstacles to the complete triumph of the Temperance Reformation-one which is not only expensive to the candidates, and degrading to those who are thus controlled, but which has a direct tendency to subvert all the benefits of the elective franchise: we therefore earnestly recommend to every citizen to use his influence to discountenance this pernicious practice, and to regard any attempt to obtain his vote by this means as an insult to the dignity of a freeman. Election of officers: Pres. Rev. Wm. G. Mullinax, VP Thos. H. Russell, Sec'y Allen Fuller. Voted to meet for thanksgiving and prayer on Dec. 25, when a temperance sermon will be preached. Next meeting in Oct. at Sharon meeting House.

South Carolina Temperance Advocate, 23 July 1846, letter from A. Fuller, Sec'y, Salubrity SC, 11 July 1846. Report that no delegate will attend Aiken convention, now 169 members, added 20 since last year. Society "rather inactive the past year," well-attended 4th of July celebration on cold-water principles, speakers: Rev. J. L. Kennedy, A. Fuller, William G. Mullinax. "We hope this will be the means of advancing the temperance cause in this vicinity." "There was a Barbecue at Wolf Creek on the 4th, at which the lovers of strong drink assembled in multitudes. The candidates for office were there, and dealt out the liquor in profusion, and profanity, drunkenness and quarrelling were the order of the day. One of its advocates admitted that it was the most disorderly company he had ever seen. Such are the results of the two principles." Pendleton Messenger, 16 Oct. 1846, lengthy report from Salubrity Temperance Society, held at Providence M. H., Pickens Dist., 10 Oct., to consider Aiken Resolutions. Committee: A. Fuller, Thos. Boggs, D. K. Hamilton, F. N. Glenn, and Aaron Boggs. Found recommendation to petition the Legislature to be "directly opposed to the principles avowed at the Convention in Greenville; and the Resolution relating to Candidates who treat, if not inconsistent with those principles, as, at least, of doubtful policy." "We are perfectly willing that the Legislature should authorize the people to decide the question by popular ballot, whether such liquors shall, or shall not be retailed in their several districts"

1850 Pickens Dist. SC, p. 19 #158:
Allen Fuller 53 mw Preacher Uln. MA,
Tabitha ? SC,
Francis Smith 17 mw SC----------

Allen Fuller, part 3

from the Rev Scott Wells blog (via Kim Wells), comes this:

http://www.universalistchurch.net/boyinthebands/allen-fuller-exhorts/Tuesday, 25 May 2004Filed under: General— Scott Wells @ 11:02 am When I was woking on a master’s program in church history in the early 90s, I planned to write my thesis on Universalism in the old South. Didn’t finish the degree – God stepped in with ministerial plans – but I did find a number of interesting tidbits, including this small exhortation by the Rev. Allen Fuller, who served churches in Rhode Island and North Carolina.

Trust in the infinite goodness of our Father in heaven, and love him because he first loved us. Receive the Gospel of Christ, through which life and immortality are brought to light, by that faith that works by love and purifies the heart, that you may have the hope which is as an anchor to the soul, both sure and steadfast; and let not your light be hid under a bushel. And may the grace of God lead us into all truth and bless us evermore

.In Trumpet and Universalist Magazine, January 26, 1833, page 2.

Allen Fuller part2

from the now gone www.uuchristian.net website (via Kim Wells)
Scott, was this your work? if so, its all over the web now!

Trumpet and Universalist Magazine (26 January 1833): 122 Agreeably to adjournment, the South Carolina Convention of Universalists met at the house of George Steedman, Esq. Lexington District, on Friday, November 16, 1832, and, after uniting with Br. Linch in devout thanksgiving and prayer, proceeded to organize the Council by electing Brs. Joseph W. Summers, Moderator, and Allen Fuller, Clerk. 7. The Corresponding Committee appointed by the Convention at its formation in 1830, and continued by its order at its session in 1831, with a view to obtain a ministering brother to locate himself among us, Reported, That "In due tine they attended to the duty assigned them, as will be perceived by the letters of correspondence which accompany this report. About the middle of November last, (1831) Br. Allen Fuller arrived in our district, in obedience to your call. He has labored continually amongst us ever since, except a few weeks last summer, when on a tour to the State of Georgia; he has, they believe, given entire satisfaction in his professional duties, and they consequently recommend him to the patronage of the Convention. It is, however, painful for them to state that his compensation, since amongst us, has fallen short of what your committee anticipated. The amount which he receives the present year they do not precisely know." This Report was referred to a committee consisting of the following persons, viz: Brs. A. Gunter, R. F. Coleman and E. Hawkins. 11. On the subject of forming a "General Convention of Universalists in the United States" -- Voted, in the language of the Pennsylvania Convention, That "we are decidedly in favor of forming the proposed Convention, provided the powers in it vested are only advisory." 12. Appointed Brs. A. Fuller and R. F. Coleman delegates to represent this Convention in the proposed United States Convention, in person or by letter. CIRCULAR LETTER To all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, the South Carolina Convention of Universalists sendeth greetings and Christian salutations. CHRISTIAN BRETHREN -- Enjoying uninterrupted harmony and Christian love, our session has been truly pleasant. We received satisfactory evidence that the cause of truth is progressing in this region: and although the storms of fanaticism have raged around us the year past to an unparaleled degree, yet we have the pleasure of reflecting that not one of our members has been carried away with the desolating scourge. The interest manifested by the Council to encourage uniformity in our order, and to promote a closer connexion among our brethren, we hail as an indication of increasing love for the Gospel. The Constitution which will be submitted to the several societies, by the unanimous recommendation of the Convention, is the production of the mature reflection of the several members of the committee by whom it was reported. Having notice that the subject would come before the Convention at this time, they early took it into careful consideration, and with their united aid, the form as it was presented,was drafted with the utmost preceision. The grand aim in preparing that instrument was, on the one hand, to promote the cause of Christ, and, on the other, to secure the rights of individual Christians. How far we have succeeded in effecting those objects, others will judge for themselves. It was the cause of some reg[ret?] that the societies in Charleston and Laurens were not represented at our present session, through we have reason to believe that delegates were appointed by both. We hope the brethren in all the societies will ever feel the importance of participating in the doings of the Canvention [sic]. If Gospel order is necessary, which is very apparent, it is manifest that a system of organization must be supported; and this can be dome only by attending faithfully to the subject. And we trust that every person who has the spirit of Christ will take an interest in these matters. Owing in part probably to the unpleasant state of the weather, our services were not as fully attended as we could have wished: but they were all listened to with interest and profound attention. On Sunday the audience was about as large as could reasonably have ben expected from the very thinly populated country in which our meeting was held, when we take into view the fact that other meetings were appointed on both sides of us, as we believe, expressly for the purpose of hindering people from attending our services. Many are yet slaves to the clergy; but we trust it will not always so continue. Truth is already exerting a vast influence, and we are confident it will ultimately prevail, and teach mankind that they possess the right to think and act for themselves, and give them the blessed hope of a world's salvation. Brethren -- In view of the prosperity of our cause, we have abundant reason to rejoice with gratitude, and give thanks unto God for the manifold blessings he has bestowed on us. And surely these tokens of favor should stimulate us to persevering exertions to extend the influence of that Gospel that bringeth salvation to all men, by well ordered lives and conversation; avoiding even the appearance of evil; and by letting our light shine before others that they may be directed in the right way. To every person who may read this letter, we would say, Trust in the infinite goodness of our Father in heaven, and love him because he first loved us. Recieve the Gospel of Christ, through which life and immortality are brought to light, by that faith that works by love and purifies the heart, that you may have the hope which is as an anchor to the soul, both sure and steadfast; and let not your light be hid under a bushel. And may the grace of God lead us into all truth and bless us evermore. By order of the Convention, ALLEN FULLER

The South Carolina Convention of Universalists met at Harmony Meeting House, in Anderson District, on Friday before the first Sunday in August, and continued in session three days. Br. James Mulliken was chosen Moderator, and Br. Allen Fuller, Clerk. Measures were taken to establish immediately a system of circuit preaching throughout the State; and Br. Allen Fuller was appointed an agent to visit different parts of the State, to carry the proposed measures into effect. The thanks of the Convention were presented to Br. Fuller, for the occasional sermon, and he was requested to furnish a copy for the press.

LIBERTY CHURCH, FAIRFIELD DISTRICT, S. C., AUG. 3D. 1858He was followed by Br. Fuller, John 6; 68, showing in a clear and concise discourse that Christ alone has the words of eternal life, and if we turn away from Him, where shall we go. Allen Fuller, Ala. After an intermission, the Rev. Allen Fuller preached an able and interesting discourse from 1 John 3: 3.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

UUCA Atlanta


this is an official history page of the UUCA in Atlanta -
and this page is one of the few mentioning the second U
nothing about the Universalist church that merged with the Unitarians in Atlanta in 1918 -
They dont even mention that Rev Clinton Lee Scott was an Universalist minister !

Liberal Chirstian Church 1918 -1927
United Liberal Church 1927-1965
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Feb 1965- present

building at:
Peachtree St 1915 -late 40s
(in the Briarcliff Hotel) early 50s (1 year?)
605 Boulevard ? early 50s -nov 1962

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Allen Fuller part one

Kim Wilson has been sending me stuff on Allen Fuller and on the Anderson Church, so let me og ahead and start with Rev Fuller. let me do this by going backwards - those of you impatient can go check the two volume history of the Universalist Church - where Rev Fuller is mentioned several times

1860 Alabama Jefferson County location: Truss
Allen Fuller, 62, farmer property worth $2,000 born: Mass.
Tabitha Fuller, 63 born: SC
(M.A. Worthington two doors down -born SC)

while Tabitha Summers Worthington Fuller's birth and date dates (and places) are easy to find -- her second husband Allen Fuller isnt --- thus this census tells us he was born about 1798 in Mass -- which is very useful.

His death is noted in D. B. Clayton's autobiography, he notes that it wasnt mentioned in the denomination literature. both of the Fullers would be deceased in three years.

more to come, lots more!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Concord Ky c1842-c1862

Concord Universalist Church, or as it was known, "The First Universalist Church of Bourbon County," was organized originally some forty years ago. The church building was begun in 1845, and completed and dedicated May 30 1847. The original members were Jesse Kennedy, Polly Kennedy, V. G. Wheat, W. A. Bacon, William L. Bacon, E. M. Kennedy, William Shaw and John Brown. The church prospered until the commencement of the war, when it was almost wholly broken up. About the year 1867, the building was sold under a degree of the court, bringing about $1,200. The purchaser designed turning it into a store or blacksmith's-shop, but it was burned shortly after its sale. It was situated about three miles from Paris, near C. M. Clay's, and was a frame building of substantial construction.

William Perrin's
"History of Bourbon, Scott, H O. L. Baskin & Co, Chicago, 1882

Kentucky 1846

it's only fair for me to add Kentucky to the list --thus completing the list of 1846 known U
in the southeast - from Virginia to Mississippi . Louisiana and Texas and those west of the Mississippi River might be considered south (and since D.B. Clayton preached in Texas, it could indeed be the south), but I figure anygoing west of Mississippi is wild west! sr.

Kentucky --
Convention . -- Oganized in 1844-- meets on last Friday in August. Rev E. M. Pingree, Lousiville, S. Clerk.
Associations. -- LICKING RIVER - meets on the last Friday in July. Rev. Davis Bacon, Cynthiana, Standing Clerk. GREEN RIVER - organized in 1845 -- meets on the Friday preceding the third Monday in August. Br. John Hayden, Standing Clerk. MURRAY - organized in 1845 - meets on the second Friday in July. Rev. E. M. Pingree, Standing Clerk
Societies - 1st in Harrison co. 18 members; Warsaw 32 ms; Louisville 102 members, sunday school of 150 scholars, 16 teachers, and a library of 200 volumes, and has a good meeting house, and constant preaching; 1st in Shelby County, 6 members, is building; has preaching one-fourth; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Societies in Ohio County; 1st in Hancock county; 1st in Butler county; 1st in Christian County Bank Lick, Hartford and Hillsborough - total 13
Meeting Houses -- Bank Lick, Louisville, Harford (Union) - 3

preachers and p.o. address

D. Bacon - Cynthiana
J. Bozarth - unknown address - not in formal fellowship
J. M. Brain - Licking - Not in formal fellowship, former partailist
L. T. Brasher - Christian County - not in formal fellowship
W. C. Brooks - Louisville
W. B. Chamberlin - Warsaw, not in formal fellowship
J. Chowning - New Castle, not in formal fellowship, former partalist
J. Clark, Christianburg, not in formal fellowship
C.G. Cox, Leesburg
W.W. Curry, Clay Village
J. Miller, Caneyille, former partalist
J. S. Phelps, Morgantown
R. J.. L. Phelps, Morgantown
E. M. Pingree, Louisville
I. R. Semple, Brandenbury, not in formal fellowship
E. Smith, Haynesville
A. J. Smith, unknown address - not in formal fellowship, former partialist
S.Stirman, Cynthiana, not in formal fellowship
C. B. Tharp, Paris, former partialist
new preachers, 7 - total 19

N. B. -- We are mainly indebted to Br. E. M. Pingree for the foregoing. A new association was to have been formed in July, but we have recieved no returns, of course.
Summary - One convetion, 3 Associations, 13 societies, 3 meeting-houses, and 19 preachers.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Universalist Companion and Register 1846


lists 3 preachers in SC, with John (J. A.) Chapman returning his letter of fellowship
A. Fuller (Salubrity), J. Mullikin, (Slabtown), D.B.Clayton (Dunlapville)
Fuller is the standing clerk of the State Convention; 4 societies, 8 meeting houses (also listed as 9!) - . Abbeville, Charleston, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry (2), Anderson, Laurens (2-union) . Portlow's in Abbeville is the new meeting house.

((on a personal note, one of my wife's "cousins" tore down Portlow's and used the wood to build his own house!))

in Washington DC, there is a new Universalist society founded last year.

Georgia convention with Kendrick as clerk
D.H. Porter (Clarksville), J. C. Kendrick (Greenville) - ((the UCR notes he was a returning Partialist)), H. G. Andrews (Henry County)
2 meeting houses in Mulberry, Lumpkin county, 1 church society in Coweta County known

North Carolina
one preacher suspected Jacob Frieze

3 church societies (only 1 known for sure: Mobile); 4 preachers: J. Hubbard (Talladge) J. Martin (address unknown, former Partialist), S. J. McMorris (Wetumpka), I. D. Williamson (Moble - but summers up north) 1 newspaper: GOSPEL MESSENGER, weekly, by S. J. McMorris with I.D. Williamson associate editor

Kentucky - 19 preachers, -- anybody want me to list Kentucky?

church society 1 (Memphis), 4 preachers M.P. Fisher (Brownsport), W. Low (unknown address), L. M. Gaylord (resuming duties in Memphis), C.F. R. Shehane (Lewisburg)

convention founded in 1844, J. E. County, clerk
J. c. Burruss, J.L. c. Griffin, (Richmond), L.f. w. Andrews (Lynchburg) 4 societies, 8 meeting houses (3 union)

info on SC, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee from Allen Fuller

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Jimmy Johnson - document from auction

Using AOL earlier, i couldnt upload this - (I know I know, another reason to not be on aol)
I assume we can mail Katrina contribs direct to Camp Hill....

Jimmy Johnson Auction for Camp Hill, Al

Not much time remaining, but I notice an auction on ebay of Jimmy Johnson's Arlo and Janis newspaper strips; the result going to the Camp Hill U Church to help with the Katrina hurricane
(note at these prices, I didnt bid)


says his ancestors were among the founders of the church in Camp Hill -

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Outlaw's Bridge LoveFest December 11, 2005

Outlaw’s Bridge Universalist Church invites the UU Churches and Fellowships of North Carolina to the annual UCONCI (Universalist Convention of NC, Inc.) Love Feast and Candlelight Service on December 11, 2005. The covered dish supper will be at 5 PM followed by the candlelight service led by Rev. Barry Whittemore and music by James Merritt. Each year members and friends of the churches and fellowships in NC assemble together for fellowship, food and celebration of the season. Following the long Christmas Tradition at Outlaw’s Bridge of a candlelight service, the warmth and light of this service is shared and concluded when the light of love and peace is passed from one to another. Come join UUs from Raleigh, Durham, Morehead, Wilmington, Kinston, Red Hill, Richmond VA, Outlaw’s Bridge, New Bern and beyond as Unitarian Universalists come together as extended “family” for this memorable annual occasion. Outlaw’s Bridge is located on Hwy 111 N near Albertson NC about 18 miles southeast of Goldsboro . For more detailed directions visit the website at: www.outlawsbridgechurch.org

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Stop Me before I buy again!

i obviously havent had time to read and post - because Im too busy buying!

new additions:
the history of the Seventh Day Baptists - nothing in the index about Universalism, but some interesting stuff about the old German Baptists - which is a major part of southern universalism

a booklet on on founders of the Women's Centenary Association
Universalism and the Universalist Church (1915) John Coleman Adams
a list of suggested topics for the YPCU for the 1913-14 year.

should i mention the goodies coming in the mail? another Primitive Baptist Universalist book....
a John C. Morgan book.....
do i have a monkey on my back, or what??

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More and More Books

As I put my books up (in the unread piles), I thought I would at least list them here....

Memoir of Mary L. Ware by Edward B. Ball (1853)
Radical Spirits by Ann Braude (2nd edition 2001) southern U content!
Roots of Southern Populism by Steven Hahn (1983) no u content
Encylopedia of Fantastic Victorianna (2005) Jess Nevins - no expected u content
Never Surrender (2004) W. Scoot Poole - no u content
The Shaker Expeience in America (1992) Stephen J. Stein

and the new book on the UU youth movment "We would be One" (surprising southern U in here!)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Kinda Quiet

Ive been kinda quiet --and for those who want personal nater

let's see, this thanksgiving weekend, went up to Spartanburg SC, and had turkey dinner with my mother, sister and her family, and brother and his family (other sister in California)

Friday morning, my wife and I went to Cowpens Battlefield (site of the Battle of Cowpens)
driving through Landrum, we looked for the Palmetto Trail trailhead.
and we opted to go to Asheville, NC .

saturday, we spent big bucks to see Biltmore House . We got there before opening on probably their biggest day of the year; no big delay - but we had to miss the winery as there was a 1 1/2 hour delay - and they had 1600 folks in the winery the first hour they were open! Ate s nice meal at the Deerpark (buffet - price a bit high for southerners, but the food was excellent).
Saturday afternoon, we hit all the used and collectable bookstores in downtown Asheville.

Sunday morning, we stoped in Spartanburg to attend services at the UU Church there -
the pulpit exchange had us listening to the Asheville minister there.

Universalist readingwise, I read Elehanan Winchester's biography, and stuck my toe into Radical Spirits (which I was surprised to see quoted LFW Andrews - although they didnt source his quote!) -- I will remark on these more later.

and how was your holiday?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

More Stuff I bought

picked up a copy of the out of print THE SCRAPBOOK; A COMPLIATION OF HISTORICAL FACTS ABOUT PLACES AND EVENTS OF LAURENS COUNTY SOUTH CAROLINA (1982) one of those thick books that contain genalogical info that residents send in - this volume even less usefull because of no index....
... but it does have a history of the Bethabara Baptist Church, and does indeed admit that it was open to all at first (ie: Union Meeting House); and a semi-arial view of Mountville SC - and there is the Mountville Universalist Cemetary, and that must mean that building beside it, is the old Mountville Universalist Church!
some old maps too, with plats listed
come on over, pull up and chair - and pull down some books!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Stuff I wont be running

Despite my 140 year gossip the last post, (and needless to say that despite Elizabeth Boatwright Coker's fact turned fiction book, that was gossip and not fact); that I wont be posting 60-70 year old gossip. Even though in this case, I got some scans of this incident from a late 1940s true crime comic book!!!

I have to admit that at first jaw drop, I wanted to post a page or two (and the comic is public domain now, so I could publish it all) -- untill it hit me, that while this was bizarre stuff for me, this was somebody who is still living's next generation relative --- and since it has nothing to do with Universalism ( I dont think this person was Universalist, just their ancestors) ---
-- that I will pass, and will pass on the nortorious lives of anyone born after 1900 -- unless there is an Universalist History reason for including it --

Stuff I bought and read

not much posting, but much reading
-- stuff I found out -- Mary Boozer (the gossip about of which one still can reed 150 years later - she did what with General Kirkland? She married a what? etc etc - and the best looking woman in the south during the war ) was the step daughter of Jacob Feaster.
Probably Scott Wells is the only reading this who would get a kick out of that info!
but ill go ahead and mention that the Feaster family was the founders of southern universalism... but I suspect Mary and her mother were not Universalists.....

today, I went to a worshop on the history Society Hill, SC -- settled by Welch Baptists, the presenter said a few things about Rev. E. Winchester - I was able to give hm more information on the Rev, and he plans to talk to me more about him -- I expect to loan him the biography of EW.

To figure more out about SC Universalists, I bought two books:
Ederington's History of Fairfield County, South Carolina (2003- written 1901)
which is where the Feasters became Universalists
Laurens and Newberry Counties, SC: Saluda and Little River Settlements 1749-1775 (1994)
Jesse H. Motes III, Margaret P. Motes
which contains all the pre-war land settlements on Coleman, Martin, etc with plats of where the land is -- so I can look at neigbors -- this should help figuing out the full settlements of the Quakers and the German Baptists that help lay the foundation for SC universalism (and maybe even start some info on who those pesky 7th day baptists were....

Noting that one of the earlier Ohio Universalist Churches was in Newberry pre-1840, and knowing that many folks from Newberry, SC went to Ohio in the 1810s-1820s; I wonder if there might be a connection....

so not much posting, but much studying still!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Outlaw's Bridge Anniversary

We drove up to Outlaw's Bridge last week, stoping at Red Hill in Clinton NC, on the way - I gave the sunday school lesson ( a history lesson - where I learned something myself).

the service at OB was full of folks reminicing, and folks hoping for the future.
Their new minister (what little I heard) was good and full of vim and energy ---
He seems to have some good ideas, that may indeed help OB stay around another 100 years!
the church does have a good history, and a good cuurent crowd of layleaders ---

no pictures, not even ones to post - (and yes. i will have Clayton Memorial 100th at sometime)

Friday, October 21, 2005

1944 AUW North Carolina report part 2

North Carolina Special Service

Hymn: Make Channels for the Streams of Love
- from Hymns of the Spirit, p 276.


Dear God, and Father of us all, be near to us this day as we mediate upon this work which we have elected to share in our sister state of North Carolina. Clear our minds of any foolish thought of patronage, or of gripping needs too different from those to be found in our towns and cities the world around. Fill us only with the keen desire to so conduct our program of religious and social service that the seeds which so avidly took root under the teachings of the Yankee peddler, Father Clayton, Father Cahpman, Dr. Shinn, and others of their day, may be brought to lovely flowering in our own time. We pray for Thy blessing upon those who serve us there - that they may have strength of purpose, wise foresight, humility of heart., We pray also for ourselves - for our strength of purpose in extending Thy Kingdom; our own foresight in anticipating the work that lies ready to be done in the name of Universalism; our own humility in lending a helping hand, and doing it cheerfully, gladly. Grant that out of these deliberations, brief tho they may be, there shall come a clarion call to each of us asking: "What am I doing to extend the work of my church beyond my own community? " And in that question, humbly answered, may we experience the dedication to our specific task. Amen

Outlaw's Bridge

Just a note that this Sunday, October 23 at 7 PM; Outlaw's Bridge Universalist Church in Outlaw's Bridge (just south of Seven Springs) North Carolina - will be celebrating their 100th anniversary with another celebration.

I will be there

steven r

Thursday, September 29, 2005

No activity - Clayton mention

No recent posts, been busy working - hoped to have uploaded some photos - but cant get blogspot to upload..

cleaning up my files, I was looking at my Greenville NC notes, and I see that I wrote that the Daily Register had in 1906 an article on the death of the Universalist Minister there. No name in the abstract ----
today, it struck me that this would be the obit of Father D. B. Clayton, who died as he was getting dressed at his son's home in Columbia SC to take the train up to Greenville NC. Long ride now, longer ride then.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

1944 AUW North Carolina report part 1

THE DIAMOND JUBILEE NUMBER of the THIRD ANNUAL YEARBOOK of the Association of Universalist Women (1944)

the AUW was known as
The Women's Centenary Association (1869-1905)

The Women's National Missionary Association (1905-1939)
The Association of Universalist Women

projects during this year: Clara Baron Birthplace Memorial, North Carolina, Project in China ("replacing the static work in Japan"), American Mission to Lepers

"The work in North Carolina became the responsibility of The Women's National Missionary Association of the Universalist Church, now the Association of Universalist Women, in 1912, when by a vote of the Universalist General Convention, now The Universalist Church of America, it became apparent that denominational aid to the parishes inNorth Carolina was to cease. Believing that assistance should be extended until those struggling churches should be in a position to finance themselves, the Association voted to accept the responsibility for an indefinite time.
Unde rthe women's organization, some of these churches have been able to carry on programs of real significance. One has built up a rural community program centered in and around the church. One has made possible a country nursing service and maintained its own nurse until war-time demands for nurses made it impossible to fill a vacancy. One of the city churches carries on a very large Day Care Center. Other parishes boast their own unique services.
the Association of Universalist Women holds title to the church of Rocky Mount, built by The Women's National Missionary Association of the Universalist Church in 1927 at a cost of approximately $18,000, and to Friendly House, built in 1925. Title to other property is held in the parish or by the North Carolina State Convention.
The budget for 1943-1944 calls for $6,200.00; medical work $2.059.20"

further five page special north carolina service coming up!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Personal stuff? Who me?

A friend of mine who read this blog (or some of it) says "where's the personal stuff?"

well, a bit is here, inbetween the lines, I've taken all the photographs (so far) which means I been to all the churches listed ---

I've talked about cemetery walking (and going again with a map tomorrow)
but I don't have any history in southern universalist.....other than as a southern UU who has attended some of the old Universalist churches.......

should I add more personal stuff here?

your host, Steven Rowe

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Help Needed for the Gulf area

This blog and a short SC Universalist history

I just recently wrote to a list I have been quiet on, and at the end of it, I asked if anyone wanted to see my SC Universalist history blog, to let me know. My old friend, Dr. Jerry B - who Ive known for 35 years or so (although weve never met), said

and then I thought about this blog.....

When I first started this, I really really planned it just for my recent notes ---
then I made a Freudion slip and let it out - on the website of one of the 4 people in the world who would be intersted.....
-- and the problem is exactly that - without context, who would care except those 4 people (and who knows how much they care - maybe its just three)
-- but if I add context - then it becomes unpaid writing -- and I could use the money for paid writing! but without context - then it is gosip about strangers....

so - a small bit of context:

Universalism is the belief that God will save everyone.
there are different views on how from the redemptionists (which the Charleston SC group apparently was) to the Ultra- Universalist (which Hosea Ballou up in New England was). Universalist as a denomination traces itself back to John Murray (former associate of Methodist John Wessley) who came from England to the USA in the years before the Revolution --- There is even an Universalist miracle story tied in with him... but he was in New England.

In South Carolina (and a few miles up the road from me) was Elehanan Winchester, Baptist minister in the 1700s - who converted to Universalism while a preacher in SC (and while visiting a friend in NC), he moved back up north and started the Universal Baptist denomination in Philadelphia.

BUT.... the German Baptist Brethren (now the Church of the Brethren) was strong believers in Universalism and there were clusters of GBB in both Carolinas in the mid 1700s. Two things started happening aroun 1795-1805 , the GBB begain to become more like the English Baptists, and Universalism begain to be frowned on - and both GBB and Quakers begain to move out of the Carolinas to Ohio and the midwest; at this point the remaining GBBs in SC (i am less sure about NC- but it seems likely there too) begain to slowly affliate with the Universalist Church.

In the 1820s-1850s, the migration west became strong - and the various Carolina families took Universalism with them to Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas.
Some local ministers, but mostly northern born circuit riders.

However the 1860s and that war almost ended Universalism in the south. the south hit an economic downturn that took decades to recover from... and

Daniel Bragg Clayton, grandson of Baptist preachers, converted to Univeralism, became a preacher, and circuit rider in South Carolina and then Mississippi. During the war and the destruction of his house and all his belongings, he returned to SC, and once he had saved enough money (bi-vocational ministers were around then too) became a freelance circuit minister - at one time the only one in the Carolinas - traveling from his base in Columbia to NC, Florida, Missisppi, restarting churches and preaching continously. The three Universalist churches surving in the Carolinas had his input -- one being named for him.

Circuit riding ministers continued in the 1900s- Thomas Chapman for one(born near Saluda SC). the depression started in SC in the early 1920s - and whole neighborhoods left their old communites - not taking their churches with them....
NC was sponsored as a mission project by the Womens Mission Association (note: this isnt the name of the association)

Ive yet to study the effects of the segregation struggles on southern Universalism - but these folks werent perfect people, so you bet there was some.

the early 1960s saw the Universalists and the Unitarians merge...

the three surving churches are still struggling, still rural - but still surving.

there's a lot more one could say:
who is Hannah Powell? the Rev who ran the church in the mountains of North Carolina - and believed by some - to be who the female lead in the novel COLD MOUNTAIN was based on (the male lead's real life brother was an Universalist minister).

is Universal Salvation all that Universalist believe? No, most of the old U Churches have there their strong belief that "god is love"....

etc etc, hopefully this gives some context.....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Our Home UU in Elisville Mississippi

These folks 100 years ago, loved Universalism so much, that they were going to have it preached, even if it had to be held in "Our Home".

At this point it is too early to note what has happened to it, due to Katrina ----
Not too early to ask for your concern and prayers and thoughts.



Monday, August 29, 2005

Outlaw's Bridge NC

After attending the 75th anniversary Graddy*-Outlaw reunion at Kornegay NC, I attended sunday school at the Outlaw's Bridge Universalist Church. My plan was to take pictures of the interior to eventually put up on this blog -- but I was both so inspired and enjoyed myself so much that I didnt think of that after the service.
Isnt that a wonderful way to leave church!

* that's the way its prounced:
otherwise its Grady-Outlaw Reunion.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

1850 Universalists in the South Part A

the state of southern universalism in 1850....

first this news:
Henry Clay's compromise slavery resolutions laid before the US Senate
Prussia and Denmark sign peace treaty.
Zachary Taylor dies, Millard Filmore becomes US President
California becomes a state
Browning has published her "Sonnets from the Portuguese"
Emerson (Unitarian) does the "Representive Man"
Hawthorn writes a "Scarlet Letter"
Jenny Lind tours USA under sponsorship of Universalist P.T. Barnum
population of US 23 million of which 3.2 million are slaves
SC has 668,507 (of which 393, 944 were black)
John C. Calhoun (Unitarian attendee) dies in March
2 conventions dealing with southern succession are held ---

listed in the Universalist Companion for 1850 (which actually came out in late 1849)

Kentucky 20 societies, 5 meeting houses, 18 preachers
Tennessee 1 society, 1 meeting house, 1 preacher
Virginia 5 societies, 4 meeting houses, 4 preachers and 2 lay preachers
Hope Bain and J.L.C. Griffin are in Virginia
North Carolina 2 Churches, 17 meeting houses, 1 preacher
Sampson county (the future Red Hill) 20 members; Hallsville (dormant)
Rev J. C. Burruss in Kinston
South Carolina 4 societies 9 meeting houses, 3 preachers
Salubrity, Steedman, Mountain Shoals are where the three preachers live
Georgia 2 societies, 5 meeting houses, 2 preachers
Alabama 4 meeting houses, 4 preachers, 1 periodical "Religious Investigator"
Mississippi 2 preachers - 1 church formed "last year" with 23 members

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

1937 Hannah Powell

THE UNIVERSALIST BANNER May 1937, publication of the Maine Convention

Miss Powell at work in Maine

Among numerous other speaking engagments in Maine, the Rev. Miss Hannah Jewett Powell, who for so many years was our able missionary at Friendly House, North Carolina and who now resides at Waterville, Maine, spoke eight times in Oxford County during the Spring Season. Miss Powell spoke before the Ladies' Circle at the Turner Center Universalist Church; at one morning service on Woman's Day, addressed the children of the primary school; one grammar school assembly; the pupils of the Leavitt Institute; and at Canton addressed the high school pupils; and the Sunday School. Miss Powell also preached at North Jay Universalist Church on two sundays.

Clayton Memorial is 100 years old!

Clayton Memorial celebrated their centenial on August 21, 2005 --- with history, dedication of a new sign (which makes them an Unitarian Universalist, rather than an Universalist Unitarian), and a new minister.

I enjoyed myself, and hope to put up pictures and words in the months to come
(yep, i dont use digital pics!)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Clayton's autobiography for sale

ok, below is an ad off of abebooks.com for Father's Clayton's autobiography.
Its a good book, but I sure didnt pay anywhere close to that price for my copy!
(and all copies have that inscription and photo)
anybody know who John Adams was? and from where?

Forty-Seven Years In The Universalist Ministry, A Brief Account of the Genealogy and Early Life of the Author....... Rev. D.B. Clayton
Bookseller: Andy Meek(Tucker, GA, U.S.A.)
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Price: US$ 2000.00 [Convert Currency]

Book Description: Author, Columbia, SC, 1889. Hard Cover. Book Condition: Good+. First Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾". Hardcover, brown decorative cloth covered boards. Rubbing to spine ends and corners. Front hinge weak but intact, title page is present but loose. Rear pastedown frayed at edges. Frontispiece photo of author inscribed and SIGNED "Fraternally Yours, D.B. Clayton." Inscription on front end page indicating that the book was bought from author on Aug 30, 1889 by original owner (John Adams) at a price of $1.75. Some of the preliminary pages are a little brittle from thumbing, but overall contents VG. 370 pages plus appendix and errata. Bookseller Inventory #002366
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Rev O. Bryant September 1936

Rev O. Bryant Sept 1936
Back to the more normal: old newsbitsTHE UNIVERSALIST BANNER October 1936 - the Maine Universalist Convention official organ"Through arrangements with the (Maine) superintendent, the Rev. Ordel E. Bryant who has been in Maine on leave from the Clinton Circuit in North Carolina, of which he is the missionary pastor, served as resident minister of the First Universalist church at South Paris (Maine), preaching there at 10 A. M. And of the West Summer universalist Church, preaching there at 12 M. Throughout the month of September. The Superintendent arranged for a service at the Bethel Universalist Church which has been closed for several years for September 20th when Mr. Bryant preached at 9:45 A.M. rearranging the services at South Paris and West Summer for this Sunday to meet the needs of Bethel."

Photo of Red Hill Universalist in Clinton NC

The oldest surving Universalist Church in the Carolinas - services held every sunday, why dont you go and attend?

D. B. Clayton tombstone - a closer view

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Clayton Memorial 100 years old

This Sunday, August 21, 2005, Clayton Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church of Newberry SC will celebrate its 100 anniversary of their building!

10:30 am dedication of a new, lighted sign
11:00 am Special Anniversary service
4:00 pm formal installation of their newly-settled minister, Rev Roderick Brown

check their website

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Rev. D.B. Clayton

Daniel Bragg (D. B. ) Clayton was born in what is now Woodruff, SC. He grew up in a Baptist household, converting to Universalist after reading Universalist newspapers and hearing SC circuit riding Universalist minister Allen Fuller preach. He was ordanined by Fuller and took over the circuit, when Fuller moved west.

In the late 1840s, Clayton himself moved west; settling in Mississippi.
During the war, his home and library were burned down, and Clayton returned to SC.
After the war, he owned a hotel in Columbia, and preached part time.

In 1880, he moved to Atlanta to edit a new Universalist paper started there.
He returns to Columbia a few years later, and except for a short time living in Cash's Depot; he spends the rest of his life in Columbia. Well the rest of his life where he is not a traveling Universalist missionary that is. Father Clayton goes to preach in Georgia. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessese, North Carolina - and even once as far west as Texas.

In 1906, getting ready to head to the train station to head to Greenville, NC; he suffered a heart attack and died.

at one time, he had two Universalist Churches named for him, the one in Newberry SC still lives.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Republican Meeting House

The 1832 SC Universalists met at Steedman's place near what is now leesville-batesburg (hope I have that right)
they went to church at the fairly new Republican Meeting House - I've tried to find out where that was for a long time.

I recently found 3 in the western SC area --
a Republican United Methodist Church, a Republican Baptist Church, and the more likely Republican Grove Baptist Church (just south of Edgefield ) - more research awaits....

Republican Meeting House meant it was originally an Union Meeting House, where various churches shared the building.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Charleston Universalists

Taken from the now gone SCUniversalist website, written and (c) by me

the majority of historic Universalism in South Carolina was in the rural northwest....... except Charleston! Like most of the other unwritten south Carolina history, much of the facts and documents of history were lost during the 1860s. We know that Richard Clarke, pastor of St. Phillips (an Anglican Church) preached universalism in the late 1750s. (this per Stephen Smith of NY in the 1840s). In 1824 a society of "Biblicial Universalists" was formed in 1827 the "Association of Universalists in Charleston" was founded with weekly meetings. In 1829 they became the "Primitive Apostolic Church of Trinitarian Universalists in the City of Charleston"In 1830, they changed the name to "the First Universalist Society"In 1832, they bought a building site in Charleston In 1838 the building was completed In 1856 the church building was sold. (this building no longer exists) In 1869 the remaining church funds were lent to the Unitarian Church (which was founded in the 1810s).Preachers included Paul Dean (winter of 1830-1831) leader of the Restorationists and last well known Trinitarian Universalist minister, L.F.W. Andrews c1835 THEOPHILUS FISK c1836. Albert Case (1839-1844), Maxey B. Newell (1853-), at this point, we know of only one member of the Church Dr. John L.E.W. Shecut (1770-1836) who founded the Association in 1827, and had the weekly meetings in his office. Dr. Shecut was born in Beaufort SC to French Heuginot parents. He studied medicine in Philadelphia between 1786-1791 under Dr. Benjamin Rush ( a signer of the Declaration of Independence and Universalist. Indeed it was at this time, that Rush and former SC resident and noted Universalist preacher Elhanan Winchester were corresponding frequently). Shecut moved to Charleston in 1791, where he practiced medicine until his death. He married Susanna Ballard of Georgetown in 1805. He founded in 1813 what became the Literary and philosophical Society of South Carolina. He founded in 1808 the South Carolina Homespun company - the first cotton mill in South Carolina (and one of the first in the south). He wrote several well known (at the time) books on medicine and botany.

(later I wrote in response to Neil C. ):

the dates come from Russell Miller's THE LARGER HOPE Volume 1. The typos and the list of ministers come from my research - and let me add that LFW Andrews was the pastor in 1835-1836. THEOPHILUS FISK was apparently there at least in June 1836 - when he develivered a speech there (which was printed in booklet form - as "bulwark of Freedom" and reprinted in 1860 as "the National Crisis"). He was also in Charleston in July 1837 lecturing on banking reform (and was the victim of an anti-reform mob violence).
J.F.L.W. Shecut was mentioned in Miller's book. Standard SC biographies give his history. Including the Rush connection. Knowledge of Universalist history gives me the Rush Universalist connection! Thomas Jefferson's letters includes one letter to Shecut; thanking him for an award - and giving him plant (and seeds?) to try out. http://www.constitution.org/tj/jeff13.txt(do a search for shecut)

Cemetery Walking

We were going to Columbia SC, for other reasons, so I decided to go visit Elmwood cemetery and found the grave of the Universalist minister, Athalia Johnson Irwin. The last time I was at Elmwood, I went up to the office and asked where a plot was, and they gave me a map marked and off I went...
.... This time the office was closed. As we wondered around the cemetery (a pastime that both my wife and I enjoy), we concluded that the last time was during a special weekend sale (we both recall the big banners offering plots).
While we have great percentages of finding gravesites (we once drove past a likely cemetery spot, pulled over on a whim, and found a tombstone of one of my forbearers), Elmwood is one of those big big places.
Knowing the local library has a book to Elmwood, we drove there, and got the number of the area andt plot number and gravesite number (but noticed no map to numbers in the book)- and then after our meeting returned to Elmwood. We knew where areas 20 and 44 were, and we were looking for a site inbetween. But Elmwood doesn't list numbers on the roads, or in the plots themselves either -- after searching for where it may be, gave up and came home. (well, we went to a bookstore and dinner first)

After getting home - pulled out my map to discover, the numbers run in zig-zag
--- ok, so at least I know know about where it is, so the next time I should be able to find it.

and of course, will be able to pass the info on to others as well....
.. but obviously not all explorations result in completions!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

So when did Universalism start in SC?

1740? 1760? 1800? 1820?

it depends on what one means by Universalism.....

with the exception of the Charleston society, Universalists in SC started as an outshoot of Baptists - thus around 1740 when they moved in; 1760 when churches organized, 1800 when kicked out of the Baptists Churchs, 1820 when affiliated with the Universalist denomination......

all are right

new source

I plan to start listing my new sources as I find them;

FRONTIER FAITH; the story of Pioneer Congregations of Fort Wayne, Indiana 1820-1860

George R. Mather 1992

while this might seem to be far afield from Carolina Universalist history, its only slightly afield --- as the west (as Indiana was) was like the Carolinas as far as religious development goes -- and this book seems well done for the developement of denominations -----

(for what its worth: the Universalists didnt last long)

Friday, July 22, 2005


due to numerous requests from myself, I am going back to just Carolina Universalist history/
Mainly SC - as NC should be well covered.....

(i understand a book is coming out real "soon" now)

I will mention some general south U stuff as I dig it out

Thursday, July 21, 2005

UL January 12 1907

UL January 12 1907

Miss Maude Kearns of Durham NC elected leader of the NC WNMA

UL January 19 1907

Universalist Leader Jan 19, 1907 --Women's Mission Page

Ada C. Bowles - Greenville NC Jan 1, 1907

The first of December found me on the farm of Mrs. Lanie Hauser among the health breathing pines. The Christmas party was over in the little white church in the wildwood.

After two services in the Woodington church, I repacked my suit-case for Kinston, called upon the old friends, and brought up the missionary correspondence to a level; attended the Mission Circle meeting; and preached to a good audience in the nice hall of the Knights of Honor.

I heartly echo Dr. Shinn's voice for a church in Kinston, a lively town growing in strength and importance. What a Sunday school could be had of the descendants of Zaccheus and Mary Rhodes, so steadfast and true to their faith! Some twenty of them now under sixteen, to say nothing of their parents. The Woodington church, seven miles in the country over a bad road, is the nearest Universalist church. Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs Ford, the new Mission Circle president and a few others still faithfully meet to sew and keep alive a helpful service.

Off in the clear cold weather to Greenville, to be met at the station by "Sherriff King" still so called though out of that and other county offices for years. As he was a member of the first Constitutional Assembly after the war, and County Commissioner and Register of Deeds, he is often called Honorable, and by reason of fondness for the title by Southern people, "colonel" King. and he looks stalwart enough and impressive enough, with his full grey beard, to wear all his titles.

In the home of the Kings and their daughter and son-in-law, Larry Moore, Esq., a rising lawyer, I have been beautifully entertained for more than two weeks. I have held three services in the Delphia k. Moye Chapel and tired hard to establish a Sunday school, but finally had to abandon the hope. There is really no family of Universalists in the place save Mr., and Mrs. King, both past seventy. It is clear than upon Brother King, his faithful wife, (who will soon place her nmae and that of Mrs. Moye upon the list of our Life Members) together with a few Universalists living in the country, the maintance of Universalism in Greenville rests.

Owing to the chantge of program I was compelled to make, there was no celebration for children in Finch. The sudden death of Dr. Brantley's mother, seemed the chief reason for this.

I am still hoping to get the box which left Spencer Mass., Dec 5 by rail and that from Boston, Dec 10th. The box and barrel from Norwood, Mass., arrived promptly and their contrents war being distributed. also from Washington came a nice box for New Year's, from the National treauser and other friends, which wil help our Durham work. From Box 58 Madrid Sorings, NY, came some dainty things by mail which have been used as rewards of merit. The Mission Circle of Victor, New yoir,k notifies me of two barrels sent to Magnolia from which point I shall distribut eh contents. although details of distribution are not given in these letters to THE LEADER, the donors recieve by private letters the assurnce of grateful acceptance.

The work for December is thus summerd: Travel, 75 miles. Services, Woodington 2, Kinston 1, Greenville 3. Life membership 2; Laymen's League 1; letters written 79. distribution: Barrels 2; Boxes 2; mail packages, 1. all barrels for the remainder of the season may be sent to the one address of Durham, NC. All receipts to be mailwed promplty to me. Thid does not apply to barrels already asked to be sent to other places. All mail can be addressed to Hotel Woodard, Rocky Mount, NC until jan 20. After that care of E.O. P{atterson, Durham NC.

Jan 6, 1907 I go from here tomorrow morning to Magnolia, to distrubte tow barrels, see about eh Mission Circle; preach, if the bronchitis will allow; retun here to instruct the new Mission Circle, and then to Finch for three or four days of preaching and lecturing; back here and then off to Durham, ehre the Board hope to engage a Hall at once to begin preaching on the 27th of January of Feb. 3rd and see what a little hard work will do. The YPCU of Pennsylvania wish to help through its Postoffice department.

report of the Missionary to the South for December 1906 ( Steven's note: this is shinn?)

Sermons preached 13: as follows
Brunswick, Tenn 2
birmingham, al 1
Atlanta, Ga 1
Canon, Ga 2
Bethel, SC 2 (this is Bethel church near Saluda?)
Union School, SC 1 (no idea where this is, Union the town?)
Mountville, SC 1
Marion, Mass 1
Mattapositte, Mass 1

(snip) "In South Carolina, efforts are being made to settle a state pastor."
1 new member added in Woodenton

Thursday, July 14, 2005

today in the UL May 14, 1898

The Universalist Leader volume 1 Number 24 May 14, 1898 Boston and Chicago Personals Mrs. C.D. Howard of St. Paul;s Church in Chicago one of its oldest members, is now sojourning in Thomasville, Ga. Rev. J.S. Cook is preaching in Urbana Illinois and is the superintendant for the state. I believe that he moved to Mountville SC in the 1910s, but will need to doublecheck.
U.S.Milborn mentions that the "Our Belief, Protests, and Reasons" in the April 30th issue was actually the work of Rev. Harry L. Veazey of Knoxville, TN.
Dr McGlauflu is the YPCU southern missionary
the Kentucky convention is to be May 27th -29th at Hodkinsville. W.T.Davis, sec
Wellsburg, WV Mary A. Harding, wife of J.A. Harding, passed to the higher life. she was 87 years and 5 months. mebers of the Auburndale, Me church
Brewton, Al: annual meeting was held April 24th. Brother Leavitt salary was paid in full, and they kept him on another year, and hope to build a parsonage. 27 new members this year.
Atlanta, Ga: Dr. Shutter preached every evening and twice on sundays for 12 days. He was entertained by Mr. Hamilton Douglas, and by Dr. McGluflin, F.M. Coker gave $500 to the building fund.
cent a day contributions:
Magnolia, NC 3.65
Camp Hill, Al 7.30
misc contrib:
Fairfax Va (individuals) 5.00
japan mission
Norfolk, Va (individuals) 3.33

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Thomas Yarborough, of Georgia

Randolph County Georgia 1850 census


Thos. Yarborough 68, born North Carolina, occupation: Universalist Minister
Jane Yarborough 72, born Virginia
property worth $2300

they are living next to CC.Yarborough, 32 born: Georgia and his rather large family

He is in the 1830 census, and two Yarborough families are there in 1860.

today in the UL feb 12, 1898

Among other things that i hope to do is to list various articles in the Universalist papers regarding southeast Universalist news - this would be more helpful if I had copies of the Universalist Herald, but I have to work with what Ive got.

the Universalist Leader Volume 1, #11 Boston and Chicago - Saturday February 12, 1898
20 pp tabloid paper - Geo. H. Emerson, J.S. Cantrell editors
page 5 From Our Mission Field, Q.H. Shinn goes to Tampa Florida, Grahamville Florida, Silver Spring run (yep, a boat ride), Jacksonville Florida, written Feb 2 from Laurel Hill, Florida
names include: S.P. Whitcomb (from Tarpon Springs?), Captain J. F. Chase (formerly of Maine, wounded in Gettysburg, - now living in St. Petersburg), Mr. Blodgett and "little" Irving Crenshaw (formerly of Plymouth N.H. now living in Ocala? or is this just Blodgett, and the Crenshaw the gentleman below?), Mrs. Majaw, fromerly of NYC and one of Dr. T.J. Sawyer's parishioners- from Grahamville Florida.
"The other family are the Crenshaws, formerly of North Carolina, and old friends of Dr. D.B. Clayton. Mr. Crenshaw's wife and daughters have grown out of the Baptist faith and are ready to join the Universalist Church, and plans were made for organizing. Dr. Clayton has made to two visits and preached to the people who came glady to hear his message of glad tidings. (snip)
Mr. Crenshaw is in the turpentine business, which is now very remunerative. (snip) Mr. Crenshaw, who is one of those whole hearted Southerns, who is happiest when giving pleasure to others.... (snip) "

this issue also contains an ad for the Universalist Herald , published at Canon, Ga; "devoted to the interests of the Universalist Church in the South". if one subscribes to both the Leader and the Herald, one can get this usual $3 subscriptions for $2.50.

this is the only issue of the Leader, that ive seen to contain fiction! (although i would guess issues from around the same age probably do) for the family and young folks. thus the blurb: A Family Paper

" cent-a-day pledges" came from the following churches for January 1898
Camp Hill, Alabama $5
Richmond, Virginia 3.65
Five Points, Alabama $2.00
Mobile, Alabama $10.17

for the Japan Mission
Richmond, Virginia (an individual) $10
Fork Ridge, WVA (ypcu) 1

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Welcome to Me and to Thee!

Yet another Blog by someone who doesnt know how to blog?? yep! So tis! Not only that, its a UU blog! and an amateur historian! and a non-speller (where's spell check in this thing?) -- what the point of reading this thing? Well, as time goes on, I hope to talk about historical Universalist figures in the southeast - from Father Clayton to Rev Fuller. From Liberty Universalist to Red Hill and Outlaw's Bridge. Sorta like what I used to do on Neil C's old SC Universalist website (and I state I didnt realize I was copying it when I started using it - but obviously I was! so a tip of the hat to him! ) And by the way, if anyone has any of my old posts from that website......... I'll be happy to repost them here!