from the now gone website (via Kim Wells)
Scott, was this your work? if so, its all over the web now!
Trumpet and Universalist Magazine (26 January 1833): 122 Agreeably to adjournment, the South Carolina Convention of Universalists met at the house of George Steedman, Esq. Lexington District, on Friday, November 16, 1832, and, after uniting with Br. Linch in devout thanksgiving and prayer, proceeded to organize the Council by electing Brs. Joseph W. Summers, Moderator, and Allen Fuller, Clerk. 7. The Corresponding Committee appointed by the Convention at its formation in 1830, and continued by its order at its session in 1831, with a view to obtain a ministering brother to locate himself among us, Reported, That "In due tine they attended to the duty assigned them, as will be perceived by the letters of correspondence which accompany this report. About the middle of November last, (1831) Br. Allen Fuller arrived in our district, in obedience to your call. He has labored continually amongst us ever since, except a few weeks last summer, when on a tour to the State of Georgia; he has, they believe, given entire satisfaction in his professional duties, and they consequently recommend him to the patronage of the Convention. It is, however, painful for them to state that his compensation, since amongst us, has fallen short of what your committee anticipated. The amount which he receives the present year they do not precisely know." This Report was referred to a committee consisting of the following persons, viz: Brs. A. Gunter, R. F. Coleman and E. Hawkins. 11. On the subject of forming a "General Convention of Universalists in the United States" -- Voted, in the language of the Pennsylvania Convention, That "we are decidedly in favor of forming the proposed Convention, provided the powers in it vested are only advisory." 12. Appointed Brs. A. Fuller and R. F. Coleman delegates to represent this Convention in the proposed United States Convention, in person or by letter. CIRCULAR LETTER To all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, the South Carolina Convention of Universalists sendeth greetings and Christian salutations. CHRISTIAN BRETHREN -- Enjoying uninterrupted harmony and Christian love, our session has been truly pleasant. We received satisfactory evidence that the cause of truth is progressing in this region: and although the storms of fanaticism have raged around us the year past to an unparaleled degree, yet we have the pleasure of reflecting that not one of our members has been carried away with the desolating scourge. The interest manifested by the Council to encourage uniformity in our order, and to promote a closer connexion among our brethren, we hail as an indication of increasing love for the Gospel. The Constitution which will be submitted to the several societies, by the unanimous recommendation of the Convention, is the production of the mature reflection of the several members of the committee by whom it was reported. Having notice that the subject would come before the Convention at this time, they early took it into careful consideration, and with their united aid, the form as it was presented,was drafted with the utmost preceision. The grand aim in preparing that instrument was, on the one hand, to promote the cause of Christ, and, on the other, to secure the rights of individual Christians. How far we have succeeded in effecting those objects, others will judge for themselves. It was the cause of some reg[ret?] that the societies in Charleston and Laurens were not represented at our present session, through we have reason to believe that delegates were appointed by both. We hope the brethren in all the societies will ever feel the importance of participating in the doings of the Canvention [sic]. If Gospel order is necessary, which is very apparent, it is manifest that a system of organization must be supported; and this can be dome only by attending faithfully to the subject. And we trust that every person who has the spirit of Christ will take an interest in these matters. Owing in part probably to the unpleasant state of the weather, our services were not as fully attended as we could have wished: but they were all listened to with interest and profound attention. On Sunday the audience was about as large as could reasonably have ben expected from the very thinly populated country in which our meeting was held, when we take into view the fact that other meetings were appointed on both sides of us, as we believe, expressly for the purpose of hindering people from attending our services. Many are yet slaves to the clergy; but we trust it will not always so continue. Truth is already exerting a vast influence, and we are confident it will ultimately prevail, and teach mankind that they possess the right to think and act for themselves, and give them the blessed hope of a world's salvation. Brethren -- In view of the prosperity of our cause, we have abundant reason to rejoice with gratitude, and give thanks unto God for the manifold blessings he has bestowed on us. And surely these tokens of favor should stimulate us to persevering exertions to extend the influence of that Gospel that bringeth salvation to all men, by well ordered lives and conversation; avoiding even the appearance of evil; and by letting our light shine before others that they may be directed in the right way. To every person who may read this letter, we would say, Trust in the infinite goodness of our Father in heaven, and love him because he first loved us. Recieve the Gospel of Christ, through which life and immortality are brought to light, by that faith that works by love and purifies the heart, that you may have the hope which is as an anchor to the soul, both sure and steadfast; and let not your light be hid under a bushel. And may the grace of God lead us into all truth and bless us evermore. By order of the Convention, ALLEN FULLER
The South Carolina Convention of Universalists met at Harmony Meeting House, in Anderson District, on Friday before the first Sunday in August, and continued in session three days. Br. James Mulliken was chosen Moderator, and Br. Allen Fuller, Clerk. Measures were taken to establish immediately a system of circuit preaching throughout the State; and Br. Allen Fuller was appointed an agent to visit different parts of the State, to carry the proposed measures into effect. The thanks of the Convention were presented to Br. Fuller, for the occasional sermon, and he was requested to furnish a copy for the press.
LIBERTY CHURCH, FAIRFIELD DISTRICT, S. C., AUG. 3D. 1858He was followed by Br. Fuller, John 6; 68, showing in a clear and concise discourse that Christ alone has the words of eternal life, and if we turn away from Him, where shall we go. Allen Fuller, Ala. After an intermission, the Rev. Allen Fuller preached an able and interesting discourse from 1 John 3: 3.
1 comment:
Scott Wells here --
Yup, that was mine. and all of its subsidiary pages are in redevelopment.
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