Sunday, February 22, 2009

Red Hill Universalist Church, Clinton NC - Google Street View

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Red Hill has been around since the 1840s (or earlier) , and for good reason - wonderful people.

There are a few more historic southern Universalist Churches that I havent street Googled yet-
Our Home in Ellisville Mississippi, Canon Georgia (not on street view yet), Athens (hard for me to think of it as a historic Universalist Church), and Winder in Georgia, and Liberty in Mississippi. And then of course, I will try to do the best I can to add "former sites".


Dick said...

Check our Outlaws Bridge Univeralist Church in Seven Springs, NC

Steven Rowe said...

Outlaws Bridge Universalist Church was "Googled map" in an earlier blogpost.
I've attended OBUC several times, but not since the new minister. I'll have to do that. Actually I haven't been to Red Hill since their new minister either.