Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Misc --

I havent had the time or desire to write a long history piece -
- but I have been studying some --
-- i got more of the history of SC's Rev. S. M. Simons - and I see while in Lexington County he ties into Feasterville right easily;
I found a brief mention that Rev. Edgar Halfacre of Newberry might have preached for awhile out of the state, up north of the Mason-Dixon line...

and I bought Sallie Blanchard's copy of 'HISTORY OF UNIVERSALISM IN NORTH CAROLINA" from an antique dealer . Mrs. Blanchard died in 2004 at the age of 103. She was an Universalist from way back - and wrote several of the articles in this 1968 book. an interview with here appeared in the Universalist Herald. A revisied edition of this book is due out near the end of this year, so I wont be quoting it --

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Universalist Convocation in Bellville Ohio

I'm posting most of this type of modern material in my other blog, but thought I would mention it here too.

the 2007 Universalist Convocation will be held the first weekend in May
in Bellville Ohio.

Bellville is just south of Mansfield and north of Columbus Ohio.

I will be attending and this will be my third convocation.

a charge is involved (but dinner is provided)
Sunday worship service is open to everyone. So if you've never seen a Church full of Universalists, this would be your chance.

The convocation doesnt have a website, but the Bellville All Souls UU does

and they include UC schedule.

2007 Universalist Convocation: Universalist Peace Witness
Friday May 4
welcome by Justin Lapoint
worship led by Derek Parker

Saturday May 5
Worship by Wells Behee (his sermon draws from his experience in WW2)
Address by Dr. Stephen Potthoff (Department Religion and Philosophy at
Wilmington College (Willmington Ohio)
Group Photo
workshops: Musical Workshop; Supreme Worth of Every Human
Personality; Peace Witness; Historic Tour of Bellville;
dinner at an Amish Restaurant
entertainment: Cedar Creek High School Jazz Band

Sunday May 6
Annual Business Meeting
Morning Worship by host pastor, Rev. John Martin
Church will provide sack lunches when we depart around noon

nearby airports
Columbus, Cleveland, and Akron (regional airport at Mansfield)